Please read the following page before starting your Renewal of Membership.
REPs PH membership is for a period of 12 months/24 months and expires on the last day of the month.
Your profile will not be visible on the REPs Philippines website, post-membership expiry.
You will receive renewal reminder mail in the month preceding your membership expiry date.
You will receive another renewal notification mail in the month following your membership expiry date.
Membership renewed post expiry date, but within the following month will levy no penalty charges, but the next membership will get renewed only from the last membership expiry date.
If the Membership is renewed after one month of the expiry date, a penalty charge of Php 4,999.00 (Vat Incl.) will be levied and the next membership will get renewed only from the last membership expiry date.
Eleven months, post Membership expiry date, you will not be able to renew your membership through the REPs Philippines Trainer login dashboard and will need to contact the REPS Philippines office.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Certificate/s
Minimum 20 CPD points to be collected over the period of two years. If more than 20 CPD points have been achieved in two years, 5 points can be carried
forward into the next year membership renewal period.
*CPD points to be gained through REPS Philippines recognised CPD courses and training providers.
*Only upto maximum of 5 CPD points can be gained through REPS Philippines recognised CPD online courses.
First Aid / CPR Certificate
Up to date First Aid/CPR Certificate from a recognised training provider is required.
Payment - Php 4,999.00 (Vat incl.) For 1 Year / Php 4,999.00 (Vat incl.) For 2 Years
Before REPS can complete your application, payment must be made. (debit/credit card transaction)